Saturday, April 30, 2011

Can Prolapse Cause Infertility

A set I've always wanted to have, but always leave that for later.
At some point I'll do it, because this is for a friend who has commissioned me.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Brown Mucus And Am I Pregnant

Intentional Journalism

Well said that the good judge begins at home, so I'm glad this post to post "Another Note" is an example of this adage was applied as known in the history tell you today. In reading these lines know because I start with this.

Cynthia, is a cousin of Marlene, a young woman with intellectual disabilities who walks, talks and is a fan of the Backstreet Boys, the two went to the Telmex Auditorium to see the Backstreet Boys concert why not let them see the show in the area where they bought the tickets and they insisted that they must be placed in the area for people in wheelchairs, a place where people with disabilities lose their visibility when attendees stand during the concert.

So this story deserved to be told in UdG News Media, I was free to disseminate this case of discrimination on a campus of the University of Guadalajara, where I work and I practice journalism in the media of this university. To hear the case, Fernando Favela, Director of Telmex Auditorium was available, and acknowledged failures.
This story consists of two parts, so first I invite you to listen when Cynthia tells what happened and the response of the Auditorio Telmex.

After that, unless a week at the Auditorio Telmex sought to persons with disabilities are experts on the topic of mobility and accessibility to training all staff, including: ushers, ticket sales, administration, administrative and even safety features. Some of these people only come to the auditorium when they are days of concerts, this time even they were paid as a day worked but had gone to train for better care for people with disabilities

Here you can listen to the second part of this story .

This training also attended theater staff target and Calle 2, Director Fernando Favela said to replicate this training and do everything necessary to meet the disabled person.

This is an us and giving or charity, the Auditorio Telmex executives are doing what all public places should do: Become inclusive spaces that all can access without problems, as noted by the International Convention people with disabilities that Mexico has signed and ratified.
I like being a reporter because you can tell stories and meet fascinating people, but this job makes me crazy because from storytelling can change the world are not that great changes, but I think that this training made more than 200 people had a first look at concepts such as inclusion, respect and equality, and now when I get a disabled person to a concert will know how to serve you best.
As that once happened with the airline had discriminated AVINC that a person with disabilities, and finally corrected, or that the modified Guadalajara Light Rail tracks pair existed to move wheelchairs and gutters for people with disabilities after a visual story that I realized that told how two blind men fell to the tracks due to lack of infrastructure in this transport. I

happy, excited and happy because when you hear or see the Backstreet Boys came just stayed with the show notes but by spreading the "Other Note" Cynthia and her cousin Marlene, helped not only her but other people with disabilities when Auditorio Telmex come get u good deal and are addressed in an inclusive and respectful.

In times like these, is when I insist that reporters need to follow up on stories that can also help change the world. I send you this expression of Kapuscinsky on the idea of \u200b\u200bjournalism intentional: "The true journalism is intentional, namely the one that sets a target and tries to provoke some kind exchange. No other journalism possible. "

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Fredericton Cruising Men

Burberry Bracelet Honey Comb

was hoping
finish a few assignments I had to get them.
I liked from the first moment I saw them.
The scheme comes in the latest issue of Bead and Button. One leads
rondeles donuts or garnet, which has sent me a good friend from Valencia and the other in color hematite.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Seven Weeks Old And Crying

A New Challenge to find "Other Notes".

Hello to you all,
had much to not write the blog. I admit, that to tweet, facebook and report it to leave less time for this space.

recently got a good story that involves a huge challenge and responsibility. In my mail was an invitation by a friend to register for the call for "UNAIDS Key Correspondents" a website that looked young to write information to a community perspective on the issue of HIV and Human Rights.

I registered but I thought I might not accept. The surprise came with a plane ticket to enable me for a week in Buenos Aires, Argentina with colleagues from other countries in Latin America and the Caribbean.
The experience was enriching from the professional and human. Living with colleagues who live in countries with equal or more serious problems in Mexico around the discrimination that people living with HIV.

The course was a moment to reflect further on the importance of using inclusive language and the need to tell stories on the issue of HIV and AIDS in a responsible and respectful.

From the challenge starts now reporting from Guadalajara, Jalisco and send information on issues related to prevention of HIV and AIDS but also human rights, not discirminaciĆ³n, drug supply, labor activists and clear key population, information not usually dealt with groups such as people with disability, people transsexual or indigenous people.

All this, and also the work of my colleagues who are in countries like Peru, Guatemala, Bolivia, Chile, Uruguay and others may read it on the website of UNAIDS Key Correspondents , you can now read my web site of this international project. Giving

can click here read the first story that discusses a topic that fascinates me: People with Disabilities. This is a course held in Guadalajara for the persoans blind preveniciĆ³n access information about HIV and AIDS.

Why am I interested in addressing these issues? Because I believe that people with disability are systematically discriminated against by their physical condition and that puts them at a disadvantage compared with the rest of the population to access information.

Now, I'm happy to be part of the Key Correspondent team and as I wrote in my travel book when I was in the plane back to Buenos Aires, Argentina .. The real challenge is to start.

Greetings to you all and thank you for entering this blog with "Other Notes" to read.